Conference Season

I’ve just returned from two wonderful weeks at SCL in Washington, D.C., and ACCS in Atlanta, GA. And, I started the month (May 31-June 1) with the Central Consortium of Classical Educators Conference here in Arkansas. It truly was conference season, and I’m better for it. (Note: I’m reminded of an article Carrie Eben wrote for The Thistle about why you should attend conferences, so check that out here.)

Over the next couple weeks I plan to share content from my two ACCS workshops: “Theological Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts” and “Poetry as Pedagogy.” But, while these organizations make many of these talks available online and I can share with you my own talks, the most beneficial aspect of conferences is the interactions with others–seeing old friends and making new ones. That is always my takeaway from conferences, and I’m encouraged by just how many friends I’ve been able to make over the years at these conferences and the encouragement they are to me, even from far away.

One other fun report: I received a lovely gift after my poetry workshop from a conference attendee who was familiar with The Classical Thistle. I did not get her name, but THANK YOU so very much for the kind and thoughtful gift. It was a great encouragement to me. I hope this thank you gets to you!

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